Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in terror siege

EXTREMISTS fighting for the Islamic State (IS) have started launching bombs packed with live SCORPIONS.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Islamic State fighters are using the scorpion-filled weapons to incite fear in towns under seige PA/GETTY

Islamic State fighters are using the scorpion-filled weapons to incite fear in towns under siege

Bomb canisters – packed with the venemous arachnids – are being blasted into towns and villages to scatter scorpions and incite panic, a British military expert has revealed.

Scorpions are robust – even if they are launched a couple of miles, when the canister breaks thousands are flung out and start crawling all around

Hamish de Bretton-Gordon

Former head of chemical and biological weapons for NATO and the British army Hamish de Bretton-Gordon described the arachnid attacks as "madness".

He told The Daily Mirror: "It’s madness.

"IS have improvised devices to launch them.

"They promote the fact that they are doing it and it creates panic.

"Scorpions are robust – even if they are launched a couple of miles, when the canister breaks thousands are flung out and start crawling all around."

The 24in scorpion bombs are not used for mass casualties but instead designed to maximise the terrorist group's "psychological impact" on the villagers.

Mr Bretton-Gordon, who returned from Baghdad last week where he had been advising security forces, added: "The main thing is creating fear."

Senior officials in Iraq have reported scorpions being used against civilian targets in northern parts of the country.

There are 25 known species of scorpion with venom capable of killing a human being.

References to 'scorpion bombs' have been found dating back to 198 AD.

The bizarre biological weapon was created when Iraqis began pouring scorpions into ceramic pots to hurl at the Roman armies storming the fortress city of Hatra.

The scorpion-filled weapons have even been credited by some with ending the 20 day siege on the desert city. 

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