Prince William and Kate Middleton: Privacy paves way for wedding

PRINCE William is preparing the ground for his wedding to Kate Middleton by trying to stop paparazzi prying into their romance, it emerged yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William is trying to stop the paparazzi prying into his romance with Kate Middleton Prince William is trying to stop the paparazzi prying into his romance with Kate Middleton

The Prince wants to shield himself and Kate from the same pressures suffered by his parents by restricting photographers’ access to the royals off duty.

Senior courtiers have confirmed that William, who blames the paparazzi for the death of his mother Princess Diana, is the key mover behind controversial efforts to stop coverage of the royals doing anything other than official duties.

The Queen has been drawn into the dispute after she sanctioned a new confrontational approach to the media who photograph and report on the Royal Family at her Sandringham estate in Norfolk.

It is believed William, 27, has employed a firm of lawyers to use human rights legislation to try to stop publication of paparazzi photographs of him and Kate, 27, together by threatening to sue for breach of privacy or harassment.

Ingrid Seward, editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine, said: “I think William is behind this. I think he is setting some ground rules for his future with Kate.”

Bookmakers agree and yesterday slashed the odds of a royal wedding. William Hill cut the chances of a Christmas engagement from 12/1 to 6/1.

Spokesman Rupert Adams said: “A group of our customers have interpreted the Queen’s decision to crack down on the paparazzi as a clear sign that she expects extra activity over the Christmas period, which can only mean a royal engagement.”

Despite growing speculation, many royal watchers think William and Kate will want to spend longer preparing the ground rules for their marriage before they wed.

Sources close to William say he has always detested paparazzi who make a living from following him around.

His brother Prince Harry, who has rekindled his romance with Chelsy Davy, is also keen to stop the media reporting anything other than his official Army duties or work supporting charities.

In a signal of its new tough stance, Buckingham Palace is now threatening to take legal action against intrusive photographers.

Paddy Harverson, Prince Charles’s senior media adviser, spelt out the new strategy. “Members of the Royal Family feel they have a right to privacy when they are going about everyday, private activities,” he said.

“They recognise there is a public interest in them and what they do, but they do not think this extends to photographing the private activities of them and their friends.” The first test of the new approach is likely to come when the Royal Family gather at Sandringham for Christmas.

In previous years the Queen has been embarrassed by photographs taken on the estate, including one showing her ­wringing the neck of a pheasant during a shoot.

Last year Prince Edward faced an RSPCA investigation after photographs were published of him allegedly beating a gun dog.

Prince Harry also faced a probe over claims he shot dead an endangered hen harrier on the estate.

In a bid to prevent fresh embarrassment, this year freelance photographers will be monitored on public roads around the estate.

Anti-blood sports campaigners condemned the royals’ bid for privacy. Andrew Tyler, director of charity Animal Aid, said: “This is not being done to protect the Royal Family from harassment or intrusion into their genuine private affairs. It is an attempt to keep out prying eyes when they engage in a thoroughly immoral and cruel activity, namely the killing of ­animals for sport.”

Graham Smith, spokesman for Republic, which campaigns for an elected head of state, said: “The Palace should not be the ones dictating where the line should be drawn. If they demand privacy, they must submit to accountability, transparency and scrutiny.”

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